Man oh man, how life has changed! Here is a QUICK update! And a surprise {to answer your questions about the banner at the top of this post}! Well this July my family and I are moving to OK for major mission training. Then once that is over, we are moving to Africa, yup you heard me. Africa! And yes my whole family {well except Josh :( } Most people ask me 'How long are you going?' and this is always my answer 'We are moving there for life' {that's a long time!} Then once i'm old enough, i'm {PLANNING} on moving to Iraq. Well here is where the story begins! A while back, Kate and I got in a accident {We were ok!} and one of my friend's Kay-Lee, said to me 'I guess God has something planned for you.' and He did! And that just gave me so much encouragement! {So thanks Kay-Lee ;p}
I went to this conference called Renown, and they were having a time where you pray for different countries, and it came to Iraq. And so i sat down a began praying with Katelyn. And I started crying, i cried all night, and i felt God talking to me, and Kate said 'Well i guess God is calling you to Iraq.' and He was! After that i got the opportunity of meeting Heather Mercer! {which she has a movie coming out! Which i am so excited about :D} And i just talked to her, about Iraq and how i felt. And, yes i cried. But i told her how i felt. And so I went to Renown this year , and Heather was speaking {which i was EXCITED about!} and she brought one of her friends from Iraq. And i was able to meet him :) He was so nice. I also got to hear him talk, and that was really interesting. And again i felt God talking to me saying 'Go.' and i'm not going to disobey God, no matter how many people think i'm crazy. So for all of y'all who are wondering why i'm going, there it is. Someone once said
'We're not going because we LOVE the people, or because they deserve to hear about God, or deserve heaven (any more than we deserve heaven). We are going for God's glory, because He deserves the glory of all the nations.'
I might be crazy, but i'm crazy for God. :)